CTOTUS is a project of the "Programma Operativo Regionale" (P.O.R.) of the Regione Toscana for the development of the "Competitività Regionale e Occupazione" (C.R.E.O.) with the Fondo Europeo per lo Sviluppo Regionale (FESR 2007-2013).

The acronym stands for "Capacità tecnologica e operativa della Toscana per l'Utilizzo dello Spazio" (technological and operative capacity of Tuscany for the exploitation of "space").

The Atmospheric Group partecipates at the CTOTUS project with three activities:

  • Coordination and managment (Bruno Carli)
  • Development of new instruments for the spectrally resolved measurement and monitoring of the Earth Radiation Budget (ERB) in the termal infra-red (Luca Palchetti)
  • Study and assessment of radiative transfer models for the forward modelling and retrieval of geophysical parameters from passive remote sensing observations performed with different geometries in different spectral regions (Ugo Cortesi).

Further information on the project can be found in the CTOTUS web site (http://ctotus.ifac.cnr.it).