KLIMA-IASI Publications



Ceccherini, S., B. Carli, U. Cortesi, S. Del Bianco,  P. Raspollini, Retrieval of the vertical column of an atmospheric constituent from data fusion of remote-sensing measurements,Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 111, 445-452, doi: 10.1016/j.jqsrt.2009.09.001, 2010. [paper]


Ceccherini, S., U. Cortesi, S. Del Bianco,  P. Raspollini, B. Carli, IASI-METOP and MIPAS-ENVISAT data fusion, Atmos. Chem. and Phys., 10, 4689-4698, 2010. [paper]




Conference Proceedings


U. Cortesi, G. Bertacci, B. Carli, S. Del Bianco, M. Gai, First results of the KLIMA-IASI sensitivity study, ASS-FTS 14, International Workshop on Atmospheric Science from Space using Fourier Transform Spectrometry, 6-8 May 2009. [abstract] [poster presentation]


U. Cortesi., S. Del Bianco, M. Gai and B. Carli, Carbon dioxide retrieval from IASI measurements using KLIMA inversion algorithm, 2nd IASI international Conference, Annecy, France, 26-29 January 2010. [abstract] [oral presentation]


S. Del Bianco, U. Cortesi, S. Ceccherini, P. Raspollini, MIPAS-ENVISAT and IASI-METOP data fusion using the Measurement Space Solution method, 2nd IASI international Conference, Annecy, France, 26-29 January 2010. [abstract] [poster presentation]


U. Cortesi., S. Del Bianco, M. Gai and B. Carli, Carbon dioxide retrieval from IASI measurements using KLIMA inversion algorithm, Abstract Collection, The Sixth Workshop on Greenhouse Gases from Space (IWGGMS-6), Kyoto, Japan, 26-27 January 2010. [abstract] [poster presentation]


U. Cortesi., S. Del Bianco, M. Gai and B. Carli, Application of KLIMA algorithm to CO2 retrieval from IASI/METOP-A observations and comparison with GOSAT/TANSO-FTS products, Second GOSAT RA PI Meeting, Kyoto, Japan, 28-29 January 2010. [abstract] [oral presentation]


S. Del Bianco, U. Cortesi, M. Gai, and B. Carli, Sensitivity study for the retrieval of carbon dioxide from IASI observations using the KLIMA algorithm, EGU General Assembly 2010, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 12, EGU2010-10612, 2010. [abstract] [poster presentation]


U. Cortesi, S. Del Bianco, M. Gai, and B. Carli, Carbon dioxide retrieval from IASI measurements using the KLIMA inversion algorithm, ESA SP-686, Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010, Bergen (Norway), 2010. [paper]


S. Del Bianco, U. Cortesi, and B. Carli, Utilization of all spectral channels of IASI for the retrieval of the atmospheric state, ESA SP-686, Proceedings of the ESA Living Planet Symposium 2010, Bergen, Norway, 2010. [paper]